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Situated in the South Downs National Park this early 18th Century barn is a rare example of a large Sussex threshing and crop barn. The ’Great Storm’ of 1987 caused significant damage, reducing the barn to just a timber skeleton. It was subsequently given grade 2 listed status before its repair and rebuilding. The agro-industrial character had been substantially lost after an unsympathetic domestic conversion in the late 1990’s. 

Under new ownership it was proposed to liberate and celebrate the existing structure which had been significantly and insensitively covered up. To better reveal its character the organisation of the plan was reconfigured and finishes were sensitively contemporized. 

All mainframe posts are exposed to maintain a clear reading of the magnificent structure. This is further enhanced by the opening up of the west flank to form an uninterrupted aisle stretching the full length of barn. The replacement of all existing doors and windows with slimmer steel fames compliment the appearance of the heritage asset.

South Downs, Sussex.
Completed, 2022.



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