A floating sports and leisure club located less than 10 mins from Cabot Square in the heart of Canary Wharf in the southern part of West India Quay.
Existing large steel freight barges leased/bought from British Waterways are modified and used as foundations and building blocks. A battery of four linked barges act as the hub for the club to accommodate the sports facilities within the the lightweight translucent skin. The Club is accommodated on three levels; the lower with barges containing functional support/accommodation and plant, an intermediate level for main sports/health facilities and an upper level housing covered squash courts, two of which can be converted to a multi-functional hall with lightweight/demountable/flexible roof structures.
Two separate tethered pod structures are supported by a barge containing bars, restaurant and support functions. A floating pontoon and 400m running track unifies the whole. The ‘Arena’ in centre of pontoon is a venue where tennis courts can be rapidly transformed for covered or open events/functions. An umbilical bridge links the whole ensemble to the quayside and is supported by smaller pods for storage, staff and maintenance facilities.
The proposal embodies a unique design and business concept which at the time, in 1998, did not exist in the Canary Wharf catchment area.
Canary Wharf, London.
Unrealised, 1998.